dr. O
Cannot touch, cannot hold
Cannot be together
Cannot love, cannot kiss,
Cannot have each other

Must be strong, and we must let go
Cannot say what our hearts must know
How can I not love you?
What do I tell my heart?
When do I not want you here in my arms?
How does one waltz away from all of the memories?
How do I not miss you when you are gone?

Cannot dream, Cannot share,
Sweet and tender moments
Cannot feel how we feel,
Must pretend it's over

Must be brave, and we must go on
Must not say what we've known all along
How can I not love you?
What do I tell my heart?
When do I not want you here in my arms?
How does one waltz away from all of the memories?
How do I not miss you when you are gone?
How can I not love you?

Must be brave, and we must be strong
Cannot say what we've known all along
How can I not love you?
What do I tell my heart?
When do I not want you here in my arms?
How does one waltz away from all of the memories?
How do I not miss you when you are gone?

How can I not love you when you are gone?

How Can I Not Love You Lyrics
Artist(Band):Joy Enriquez
dr. O
dr. O
dr. O
you'll be married tomorrow.
so this is it.

i thought it would be easy getting over you. but it's not. and it's by far the hardest thing i had to do.
and my heart broke for the second time. nevertheless i pray for your happiness.

i hope you will not forget me, about us
as i will always keep you in my heart.

yung, sayang awak sokmo.
forever, for always.