dr. O
There's so many things on my mind. When I see one thing, I immediately want to write something about it. But when I got to the computer, I got confused on where to start. I want to write something useful, probably something that can touch people on their heart although I'm not so sure that anyone reading this blog anyway, but perhaps someone might stumble upon this blog, I just don't want this blog only filled with stuff that aren't useful like some of the blogs I read these couple of days.

Well, I just don't really like reading such personal stuff on someone's blog, but probably people just need an outlet for their thoughts and feelings. I did that too sometimes. But what I can not tolerate is that if people 'share' too much information such as their 'very very personal' activities - if you know what I mean. And not on blog alone, but also on facebook, twitter, etc. When I read that kind of things, I wonder what were they thinking. I mean, NO I don't want to know that you just had 'exercise' with your spouse, geez. 

If you want to post something, you would want to do it politely, no matter what opinion or writings you're sharing. Don't go on blurting everything that come across your mind. Moreover if it might offend someone else. I don't mean that you can not go and express yourself or your point of view, but I mean, do it politely please.

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